Personal Development, Performance Management

Coaching and Mentoring

12 June 2024

Dusit D2 Kenz Hotel

3 days

The Coaching and Mentoring is a comprehensive 3-day course designed to equip leaders with effective coaching skills for the workplace.

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This program focuses on enhancing leaders’ abilities to foster growth, improve team dynamics, and communicate effectively. It covers a range of topics from conflict resolution to motivational techniques, aiming to develop leaders who can inspire and guide their teams towards success. The course also emphasizes cultural sensitivity and aligning team goals with organizational objectives, ensuring a well-rounded approach to leadership.

Key Points:
  • Mastery of coaching techniques and principles for workplace leadership.
  • Enhanced skills in communication, conflict resolution, and motivation.
  • Ability to foster a positive, inclusive, and dynamic team environment.
  • Strategies for aligning team goals with organizational objectives.

Download the course guide

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers all of the essential topics. Our experienced instructors will provide you with the support and guidance that you need to succeed.

Course Guide Thumbnail

Course Content

Fundamentals of Coaching in Leadership
  • Understanding the role of coaching in leadership.
  • Principles of effective coaching for team development.
  • Building a coaching mindset in a leadership role.
Fostering Positive Team Dynamics
  • Promoting optimism, motivation, and collaboration
  • Strategies to create and maintain a positive team culture.
  • Identifying and leveraging team strengths for better dynamics.
Advanced Communication for Coaches
  • Enhancing communication skills for effective guidance and feedback.
  • Active listening and empathetic communication techniques.
  • Tailoring communication to individual team members’ needs.
Conflict Resolution Strategies
  • Techniques for addressing and resolving team conflicts.
  • Building a harmonious team environment through positive conflict management.
  • Role-playing exercises to practice conflict resolution.
Motivational Techniques for Team Leadership
  • Understanding and applying motivational strategies.
  • Encouraging team members for higher morale and engagement.
  • Case studies on successful motivational leadership.
Strategies for Performance Improvement
  • Identifying areas for team and individual improvement.
  • Implementing continuous growth and development plans.
  • Tools and techniques for effective performance management.
Cultural Sensitivity in Leadership
  • Developing awareness of cultural differences within teams.
  • Fostering an inclusive and respectful team environment.
  • Best practices for leading culturally diverse teams.
Aligning Team Goals with Organizational Objectives


  • Techniques for aligning team goals with broader organizational aims.
  • Ensuring cohesive and purpose-driven team efforts.
  • Workshop on goal setting and alignment.
Effective Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Establishing mechanisms for tracking team progress.
  • Providing constructive ongoing guidance and support.
  • Evaluating the impact of coaching on team and individual performance.
Personal Leadership Development
  • Assessing personal leadership and coaching styles.
  • Setting goals for ongoing development as a coach and leader.
  • Creating a personalized action plan for continuous improvement.
Coaching Ethics and Responsibilities
  • Understanding the ethical considerations in coaching.
  • Maintaining confidentiality and professionalism in coaching roles.
  • Balancing coaching responsibilities with leadership duties.
Implementing Coaching in the Workplace
  • Practical steps to integrate coaching into daily leadership practices.
  • Overcoming challenges in adopting a coaching approach.
  • Case studies on effective coaching implementation in various organizations.
Course Instructor

John Bentley

John Bentley

John is a seasoned consultant, coach, and leadership developer with over 30 years of experience. He helps executives and teams achieve success by focusing on emotional intelligence and team prowess. He has guided CEOs and high-profile executives through pivotal changes.

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12 June 2024

Dusit D2 Kenz Hotel

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