Management, Personal Development

Leading and Managing Change

12 June 2024

Dusit D2 Kenz Hotel

3 days

The Leading and Managing Change course is an in-depth 3-day workshop designed to equip leaders and managers with the critical skills and strategies necessary for successfully guiding their organizations through transition periods

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The course explores the complexities of change management, including the human response to change, resistance, and the various models that assist in facilitating the change process. Participants will learn to analyze change dynamics, communicate effectively, and implement strategies to manage change with minimal disruption. This course is valuable for anyone responsible for leading change initiatives within their organization.

Key Points:
  • Understand the key theories and models of change management.
  • Identify the human responses to change and strategies to manage resistance.
  • Develop communication plans that facilitate change.
  • Learn to implement change initiatives that align with organizational goals.

Download the course guide

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers all of the essential topics. Our experienced instructors will provide you with the support and guidance that you need to succeed.

Course Guide Thumbnail

Course Content

Fundamentals of Change Management
  • Exploring the change process and its impact on organizations.
  • Assessing readiness for change and change capacity.
  • Overview of change management models and their applications.
Understanding the Human Side of Change
  • Identifying emotional and behavioral responses to change.
  • Strategies for supporting individuals through change.
  • The role of leadership in change management.
Communication Strategies for Change
  • Developing effective communication plans for change initiatives.
  • Stakeholder analysis and tailored communication.
  • Overcoming communication barriers during change.
Planning and Implementing Change
  • Steps for developing a change management plan.
  • Best practices for executing and monitoring change.
  • Aligning change initiatives with organizational strategy.
Dealing with Resistance to Change
  • Understanding the root causes of resistance.
  • Techniques for engaging and persuading change resistors.
  • Facilitating participation and involvement in the change process.
Sustaining Change
  • Ensuring the long-term success of change initiatives.
  • Building a culture receptive to change.
  • Continuous improvement and learning from change experiences.
Leading Change in Practice
  • Leadership behaviors that support change.
  • Case studies and role-playing change scenarios.
  • Creating an action plan for leading change in your organization.
Measuring and Evaluating Change Impact
  • Tools for measuring change effectiveness.
  • Gathering feedback and conducting impact analysis.
  • Adjusting change strategies based on performance and feedback.
Change Management Skills Development
  • Personal skills audit and development planning.
  • Building resilience and flexibility as a change leader.
  • Encouraging innovation and creative problem-solving during change.
Course Instructor

Catherine Bentley

Catherine Bentley

Catherine is a communication coach with over 17 years of experience in the Gulf region. She helps individuals and teams develop their professional presence and personal branding. She is passionate about unlocking potential and helping people communicate more effectively.

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12 June 2024

Dusit D2 Kenz Hotel

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