MS Office

Microsoft Office Power BI

16 July 2024

Dusit D2 Kenz Hotel

2 days

The Microsoft Office Power BI course is a 2-day program designed to help individuals become proficient in using Microsoft Power BI to create interactive data visualizations and dashboards. Participants will learn how to import data from various sources, create data models, and publish dashboards to share with others. Topics covered will include data visualization, data modeling, and data storytelling. The course is ideal for professionals, business owners, and students who want to improve their skills in data analysis and presentation.

Enquire about this course

This 2-day Microsoft Office Power BI course is aimed at empowering participants with the skills to proficiently utilize Microsoft Power BI for creating interactive and compelling data visualizations and dashboards. Throughout this course, attendees will learn the intricacies of importing data from a multitude of sources, constructing effective data models, and developing dashboards that can be published and shared. Key areas of focus include mastering data visualization techniques, data modeling fundamentals, and the art of data storytelling. This course is highly beneficial for professionals, business owners, and students seeking to elevate their competencies in data analysis, interpretation, and persuasive presentation using Power BI.

Key Points:
  • Gaining proficiency in importing and integrating data from various sources.
  • Developing and optimizing data models for analysis.
  • Crafting interactive data visualizations and dashboards.
  • Mastering the techniques of data storytelling to convey insights.

Download the course guide

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers all of the essential topics. Our experienced instructors will provide you with the support and guidance that you need to succeed.

Course Guide Thumbnail

Course Content

Introduction to Power BI
  • Overview of Power BI interface and capabilities
  • Connecting to various data sources
  • Basics of data importation and transformation
Data Modeling in Power BI
  • Fundamentals of data modeling
  • Relationships, measures, and dimensions
  • Using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) for data calculations
Data Visualization Techniques
  • Creating compelling visualizations
  • Selection and customization of visuals
  • Best practices in dashboard design
Advanced Data Analysis
  • Delving into more advanced analysis techniques
  • Using slicers, filters, and drill-downs
  • Comparative analysis and KPI tracking
Data Storytelling and Reporting
  • Techniques for effective data storytelling
  • Building narrative with your data
  • Designing and structuring reports for impact
Publishing and Sharing Dashboards
  • Publishing reports and dashboards to the Power BI service
  • Sharing dashboards and collaborating with others
  • Setting up automatic data refresh and managing access


Integration and Advanced Features
  • Integrating Power BI with other Microsoft tools
  • Advanced features like AI insights and quick measures
  • Exploring custom visuals in Power BI
Practical Applications and Best Practices
  • Hands-on project to consolidate learning
  • Review of best practices and common pitfalls
  • Resources for continuous learning in Power BI
Course Instructor

Ameed Awad

Ameed Awad

Ameed is a certified digital marketing professional with 13+ years of experience. He is a renowned trainer and consultant who helps businesses achieve digital growth. With his expertise and dedication, he can help you navigate the intricacies of the digital landscape and achieve unparalleled success.

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16 July 2024

Dusit D2 Kenz Hotel

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